Thursday, April 16, 2015

Whatsapp gets a makeover with its new update 2.12.41

Well our favorite messenger app just got a makeover. You can now get whatsapp in a totally new avataar. After a long wait finally we get to see whatsapp in a little different look and it comes with 2.12.41 version.

The update is still not available in Google's Play store but you can download in from Whatsapp official website. I updated it yesterday and after using it for a day I can list out some new feature that I see in this new update.

 1. In the default screen task bars are merged and the background is changed to green colour.

2. The pointer arrows appearing when we send or receive a message have changed a bit

3. The recording button is changed and is now having  a greenish look.

4. The attachments pane is given a complete overhauling. All the icons are changed along with the background

Overall the UI is looking good and is refreshing but I have one issue with this change.
Earlier all the unread messages were high lightened a bit so you can easily identify all the unread messages but now only the no of unread messages appears on the name.

So you cannot get the which group or name is having unread messages on a single look. I would request whatsapp to tweak this small change to make this new UI more friendly

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